Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What false narratives about God do you believe?

What false narratives about God do you believe?


Out of the seven things listed in the blog I have linked above this is the one I struggle with the most....

“Things always have to go as I want them.” When we get stuck in the mindset that this life is all about us and believe the false narrative that it is essential that things have to go as we want them to, we are believing that our way is better than God’s.  Anger erupts – injuring our hearts and the hearts of others – when we don’t surrender our desire for control.

Often times (not all the time) I get VERY frustrated if things don't go as I planned or as I envisioned. If one little thing goes wrong I flip out and it ruins the whole day. My good mood goes right down the drain. I sometimes take out the anger on who i'm with and then ruin their day/mood too. Later I feel horrible for being so foolish and messing up part of a day or a whole day that could have been fun and enjoyable. This is something I really need to work on. I need to keep in mind that things don't go as planned for a reason. And that my plans are not my plans they're God's plans.

Just an example that has always stuck in my head...In 2010 when I was moving back to WV I had a rough start getting on the road. That morning I had checked out of housing around 9 and planned on being on the road soon after. While I was in my driveway talking to the guy who did my home inspection to clear me out of housing a guy that was mowing my neighbors yard said "Hey, you have a flat tire." I probably would have discovered that myself but maybe not until later in my trip...not too much later but I may not have been close to a mechanic like I was at the moment. So I rush to Firestone, because it was the closest to me, and ended up having a nail in two tires so I got 4 new tires since I had a 20 hour drive. I wanted to make sure all the tires were road worthy. Around 2pm I start to make my way out of town and as soon as I get off post I realized I left my laptop at Firestone...Grrr. So I turn around in a hurry and i'm a little frustrated because things keep holding me back from getting my trip started. Well about 20 minutes later I'm on the interstate and all of the sudden traffic comes to a stop and I see a horrible wreck. I immediately thought to myself "wow that could have been me if I wouldn't have forgotten my laptop I might have been in that wreck." I started to think back to the man telling me about my tire and realized God has been with me all day. He has planned all these things that are making me so mad out to help me get to WV safely. God is always with us, even in the tough times. We don't understand why some things happen the way they do and most happen in the most inconvenient times but they happen for a reason!

From now on when anger sets in if something isn't going as I planned I'm going to stop take a deep breath and ask God to help me. I'm going to ask him to give me patients and happy thoughts!

Hope you enjoyed the blog I linked above!

Have a blessed day!

Martha M