Favorite Love Story

I want to go back to April 2006 when I first saw Jeremy! I worked at Dairy Queen and this particular night I was working the drive through window as a back up, so I made the ice cream, and of course every time a group of guys came through all of us girls working would stop what we were doing and glance out the window to see if there were any cuties in the car. Ha, well what do you know, I saw the man of my dreams sitting in the back seat! So I asked the cashier of the window to get me his number, I'm not shy at all! She asked and he said "sorry i've got a girl friend." Well that was nice of him to honest with us! I went home that evening and told my mom all about him! I couldn't get him off my mind. I didn't see him again until November, he came to one of our school pep rallys with a mutual friend of ours and I found out later that day he was single. Down fall, he was getting ready to leave for basic training :(. So our mutual friend and I had class together the following day and I asked about Jeremy and our friend said give me your number and i'll give it to him. Well he did and all of a sudden I got scared. Jeremy called me three times before he had to leave and asked me out but I kept making excuses....crazy girl...Fast forward about a month to December 26th, a great day, Jeremy was home on Christmas Exodus (Christmas leave). I cheered on the basketball cheerleading squad and after our games a few of us would usually go to McDonalds to grab a bit to eat and what do ya know Jeremy just happened to be there. I had no idea he was going to be there but he knew I was coming. I was so mad at my friend for not telling me he was going to be there but we really hit it off! We were just sitting in McDonalds talking for a good 3 or 4 hours, it was great! A week later Jeremy had to go back to finish up basic he had about a month left then I could see him again!  

This was our very first picture! I was seeing him off to finish up basic training...yes of course I cried! 

During that next month we got to write letters! It was amazing! Everyday I got hoe from school I anxiously waited on the mailman! I was bummed when I didn't have a letter but boy did my heart flutter when I got a letter! I received a total of 7 from Jeremy! I wrote him everyday to fill him on life in WV! It was a such a great way to get to know each other. I got to know his family really well while he was gone too. His family invited me to go with them to Fort Benning GA with them to see Jeremy graduate. It was a blast but it was a sad day when I had to leave him. 

Right after graduation. This was the first time I had to go find him in a mob of soldiers...pretty funny trying to run to get to your soldier! If you've been to a big training graduation or a redeployment ceremony you know what I mean. (redeployment - returning from a deployment...not deploying again, just wanted to define that for you!)

Kissy, kissy! I remember him holding me so tight and loving on me every 5 seconds...if only he was still that mushy! 

Baaahahaha! We went bowling after his graduation! 

After basic training come AIT...Advanced Individual Training. Jeremy was at Fort Gordon, GA for AIT. He loved it there...lots of golfing! His mom and sister took me to see him since he wasn't able to take leave until a little ways into AIT.
Funny story about our trip to see him...I was driving giving Joy, my mom in-law, a break. So Lindsey, my sis in-law, and I were manning the front of the van just signing away and driving along. Well we were in NC at the time and our next exit was exit 19 so we came up on exit 19 except we were in the wrong state! We needed to take exit 19 in SC not NC!!! haha...I got a ways off the road before we realized what we did...oops! So we had to wake up my mom in-law to save us, we were lost! 
Well we ended up making it there just fine! We had a nice relaxing weekend together. Poor Lindsey got food poisoning though :(. I'm pretty sure she'll never eat Arbys every again! 

He wasn't ready for this picture but I still like it! 


I love this man so much!! 

Our spot in the van! Haha! 

After a couple more months of separation AIT graduation rolled around! I have pictures from that but not of this computer :(. Anyways, wanna here a funny story from AIT graduation? 
Okay, during the graduation they ask each soldier to walk up on stage and state their name and their next duty station. So they got to Jeremy and he said his name and his duty station was supposedly Fort Hood, TX...um no, lie...everyone in the room started to laugh and Jeremy proceeded to sit down. I was the only one in the room, besides the other families, that was in the dark. His whole battalion knew and my in-laws knew. Okay fast forward....Jeremy took 30 days of leave so at this point we had enjoyed two weeks together and he and I were getting ready to go grab something to eat. We were telling his mom where we were going and he saw she had his sunglasses so he said "hey give me my glasses, i've been looking for those." And his mom said "No! They're mine! You can use them today but you can't take them to Korea with you!"...Korea? What? What were they talking about? I gave Jeremy a look, his mom said "Uh oh!" And then here comes Jeremy running out the door after me. My heart had sunk to my feet, I was so mad at him. This was me...driving like a crazy women trying to get to my moms office so I could tell her and just cry my eyes out. I didn't understand this at the time but Jeremy just wanted to enjoy the 30 days he had with me before he told me he was going half way around the world. He was afraid I would leave him. Leave him? No way! I was for sure he was the one I wanted to be with forever! This was when the army life started to get real and I had to decided if I could do this like or not. Well here I am 5 years later...i'm still by his side! We have conquered a 2 year tour in Korea, I was in WV with my family those 2 years and we were married the last 6 months of that tour, and a 12 month deployment! If you ask me the separation is a piece of cake compared to the readjustment to being together again. We now have a 2 year dwell time so Jeremy should be stateside the next year and a half which sounds amazing!! We live like he deploys tomorrow. 

We got married January 2, 2009!!!

We started our life together in TX August 2009!

This was our little temporary apartment we were in while we awaited our first house on post!

We had a pizza pan but it was in storage so we have to improvise...baking our very first pizza! 

Our very first home!! Short story about our house. We got this house in September 2009 and when Jeremy deployed in June 2010 I clear out of housing and moved back to WV with my family while he was gone. So March 2011 rolled around and it was time to get on the list and make sure we would have a house once I moved back to TX in May. So I got on the phone with the housing office and got the sweetest lady on the phone, which was a big help because I was already stressed enough about making sure I had a house soon after I moved back, I wanted to have it ready for Jeremy! Anywho a friend of mine here at Fort Hood knew the couple that moved into our house and she said they were moving out in May. WHAT? REALLY? AHHH!!! So I asked the sweet housing lady if there was any way we could have our house again and she said of course, if it's available....and it was, it was ready for me when I moved back here! So we really feel like we moved back home! We love our little house! Thank you sweet housing lady!! 

Our first Christmas!! 

Our first Gingerbread House!! 

Under the Mistletoe! 

I'm going to wrap it up here! That was year one to year 3 of being in each others lives! 
I am so in love with this man! We love God and keep him in our marriage, with him we can do anything!