Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Proverbs 31

Over the past 5 months or so I have been digging deep in Proverbs 31 trying to understand the woman God calls us to be. Proverbs 31 is a letter written by a mother to her son. She is telling her son what he should look for when he's searching for his wife. I have to be honest when I first really read Proverbs 31 I thought to myself this is crazy, how in the world can I be anywhere close to this? I was overwhelmed, I just wanted to put my bible down and figure it all out later. The more time I have invested in the word and praying about it, boy have I prayed about this, the more at ease I feel about myself. I have realized I'm not so bad after all but I also have a lot to work on. God wants us to study this and find areas to work on not just snap our fingers one day and wake up and boom we're a perfect woman serving the Lord. In the scripture the Proverbs 31 woman cares for her husband, children, servants and the poor. She also, wakes up at the crack of dawn, stays up really late, plants a vineyard, sews our own clothes, our family’s clothing, the tapestries and beddings! Shew, talk about a long day. But let me fill you in on something, she didn't do all of that in one day that's all a description of a life time of work. Being a woman of God takes a lot of sacrifice, discipline and organization. You should have your priorities in order and you should daily be in the word and have full confidence in the Lord. If you feel as strongly as I do about this then pray about it, a lot, and the Lord will slowly begin to change your life. I got very discouraged in May because I could not see anything changing in me nor was I getting any praise from the man I love for improving on my homemaking skills and trying to tackle most everything on my own. But I am slowly starting to see good results of my hard work and I LOVE it! No let me clarify something I am totally not saying I NEVER ask Jeremy to help me because I do when i'm in a pinch for time but I feel it's my responsibility to do the majority of the house work, cooking and so on. Jeremy is an awesome cleaner and puts all he has into whatever I ask him to do so in other words he doesn't do a halfway job. Also I will be working soon, we hope, so I won't be home as much as I would like to be able to fulfill all of my Proverbs 31 goals but I am still going to keep striving to do my best around our home, have my bible open daily and take care of my hubby! Jeremy and I now have a goal set for our family. I want to work for about a 1 year and we will see where we are financially and see if we are comfortable starting a family! It's an exciting thought but seems so far away. I am being patient though and not pushing the subject =). Our goal will lead to more of my Proverbs 31 goals. I plan to be a stay at home mommy so in order to do so we have to be financially comfy. My take on starting a family is lets get started! I know the Lord will provide for us and we will be fine but my other half doesn't exactly want to just live payday to payday and that's fine!  

Enough of my babbling....

I want to share two books I have been reading on Proverbs 31. One of them is FREE and the other is $5. They are both obviously similar. GMG and WLW Proverbs 31 Ebook that is free has videos to go along with it and Pursuit of Proverbs 31 has more discussion questions with it. I have both of the links to these books below! I hope you have enjoyed reading a little that's on my mind and I hope I encouraged you to check on or two of the books or to atleast read Proverbs 31 and think about what it has to say!

Feel free to ask any questions you might have!

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